14 May 2005

Countdown, 7…… I’ll drink my coffee….

“Seven more days to go, and the prospect of being with my family for the summer can cause wide grin across my face, maybe as wide as Barney’s. One year plus is literally short for those OFP in the mid-East, UK, and US. But my homesickness is a mixture of personal emotions well kept inside uhm , yeah my chest. Let us not delve into dramatic sentiment that can prick out easy teardrops. Anyway, I’ll carry on, let’s give the bitter coffee powder for the death of some dearest ones during the time I can’t be with them. I put the creamer on the thought of seeing my admirable father, sweet supportive sisters and the rest of them. I can remember those never ending chats and bondings that can really scoop out those treasured ups and downs of family past and continuing struggles. Can you imagine the sugar-sweet excitement of reuniting with wife and kids after three very very long weeks? Ah!, you’ll be a crazy blogger I bet. Now let’s pour the boiling water of the hot summer that can replay back all the sweet memories of the place where you grew up (well, I’m still short, with spherical torso, and a healthy brotherhood of balls on my crotch). Yeah, I want to stir all these, but I tell you, it’s quite a strong coffee powder, with strong creamer, boiling water and its very sweet. I will cool it down with tiny breath, slowly to avoid burns in my mouth, will drink it and be done with it.”, the Green Man narrated.

“Hey, Green Man, did you know that some farmers say that caffeine can make you awake and strong?”, “Yeah, I know, himas pwede rin…”, “Uy, ano ka ba?”.

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